Necro Gal Sid's Journal

Jan 2007
11:37 AM EDT

i like rusty spoons.....i like to touch them. the feel of rust against my salad fingers is almost orgasmic. i must find the perfect spoon. hello there young child I'm here to inquire about your spoons. kesgfahjg. were do you keep the spoons? lasdhflas. o.k...then i must leave...but first...I'd like to...carres this...rusty...tea kettle
1 comment(s) - 01:40 PM - 01/19/2007

Jan 2007
11:10 AM EDT

today is one of many good days. i have many of those now. i feel so happy right now... WOW i dont event know why. DOODE today i found out i was failing my math class but i dont know why!!! im the smartest kid in that class......WTH..anyway other than thatim like REALLY happy....second period was THE BEST...ahhh but i dont know what to paly for my finals....WHY MUST WE DO SOLO'S?????? EEK MUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHA

Dec 2006
11:06 AM EDT

have you ever stood at the edge of a cliff with some one next to you? While you are standing there do you ever for one second think, what if i pushed them over? what if i jumped right now? well i have. this is not a good thing when your emotionaly screwed. this is how serial killers are made. should i become a serial killer? i wish to kill, others if not myself! i hate the world right now & im taking everything for granted. i know this & its a depressing fact.
1 comment(s) - 01:21 PM - 12/21/2006

Dec 2006
11:18 AM EDT

days are strangest in these years. the confusion of life in itself are almost imbarable. I wish i could understand what my place is in the world so i can just do it & get it over with for i know every minute is a minute closer to death & for this i am greatful. "the sooner the better" i always say & i'm not taking it for granted as i usually do. i know i will miss it if its gone but i cant survive this anymore. i'm tired of living tired of life, i'm tired of being confused & i'm tired of the word LOVE. i find it to be misconsepting!!!
1 comment(s) - 01:48 PM - 12/15/2006

Necro Gal Sid's Profile

  • Username: Necro Gal Sid
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - California